Zbroja Adwokaci
Maritime economy
legal services for entities representing maritime economy,
preparing and analysis of contracts concerning shipyard, maritime and inland sectors (e.g. machine lease, contracts for boats equipment, charters, shipment agreements, offshore activity, etc.),
conducting or supporting negotiations between companies,
investments service,
client's representation in insurance proceedings, including cases in civil and administration courts,
resolving courts disputes as well as ADR ones,
client's representation in public administration bodies,
criminal cases connected with water traffic accidents,
analysis of energy obtaining projects,
international and EU law advisory.
Yacht industry
legal services for yacht shipyards entities,
preparing and analysis of contracts concerning yacht industry as well as sport and water tourism,
conducting or supporting negotiations between companies,
support and legal services of yacht investments,
client's representation in insurance proceedings, including cases in civil and administration courts,
resolving courts disputes as well as ADR ones,
client's representation in public administration bodies,
criminal cases connected with water traffic accidents.
Entities legal service
legal help in choosing the most suitable form of running business,
preparing articles of association and all documents required by the National Register Court,
registration and entering all data changes of companies in the National Court Register and of individual entities in a register of business activity,
registration and entering all data changes of companies in S24 online system,
preparing documents in corporate matters,
preparing agreements and legal opinions,
executing money claims from debtors,
conducting or supporting negotiations between entities,
representation in civil, criminal and commercial cases,
legal services for the entrepreneurs concerning labor law,
transformations of companies,
liquidation of companies.
analysis of cases concerning compensation claims for:
sea accidents
traffic accidents
medical malpractice
death of closest person
events covered by private insurance policy
non-contractual land take over
non-performance or improper performance of obligations
abusive clauses
conducting or supporting negotiations with litigation opponent, including insurance company,
conducting or participation in mediation,
representation in civil and criminal litigations.