Sunreef Yachts strives to offer the widest range of eco-friendly solutions for clients to select from. The fundamental element of today’s quest for responsible energy generation is derived from solar power. As with industries across the globe, interest in solar yachts has led to the evolution of solar panels that maximize efficiency as well as aesthetic appeal.
Made of photovoltaic cells, solar panels convert sunlight into electrical power. The more solar panels that are on a solar yacht, the more power that can be generated. Producing its solar panels in-house, with innovative, patent-pending technology, Sunreef Yachts is seamlessly integrating solar energy into new eco builds. The unique integration method allows for a custom solar yacht power system that is fully optimized for incredible performance. The shipyard is developing advanced solutions for the entire range to achieve the best solar power efficiency on the market.
With significant progress made over the last years, photovoltaic technology is emerging as the leading natural energy source with the most exciting growth potential.
Sustainable energy generation on solar yachts
Date of publication: 16.11.2020