The Dąbrowieckie Quay with a dolphin marina with a total length of almost 289 meters was built as part of the investment "Improvement of access to the port of Szczecin in the Kashubian Basin area", implemented by the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority SA. They are equipped with the latest technologies for reloading liquid chemicals, including a comprehensive system of technical infrastructure protecting the environment. Currently, the quay is dedicated mainly to regular transhipment of sulfuric acid, but in the future it may be adapted to transhipment of other products. This is ensured by a new transhipment bridge, equipped with a gangway tower and sea loading arms, ensuring safe handling of this type of cargo. The quay is adapted to handle ships with a maximum length of 170 meters, a width of 27.9 meters and a draft of 9.7 meters.
In addition to the construction of the new Dąbrowiecki quay with a dolphin marina, the scope of works under the investment "Improvement of access to the port of Szczecin in the Kashubian Basin area" includes the reconstruction of the Chorzowskie, Katowickie, Chorzowskie-Uskok Quays with a ro-ro ramp and the Gliwice Uskok, as well as the landing of the Notecki Basin and construction of the Closing Quay. As part of the Project, the Kashubian Basin will be deepened to a depth of 12.5 m, along with the lining of the corners of the Ostrów Mieleński and Mieleńska Łąka Islands and the strengthening of the corner of the nab. Sosnowiecki. The project implementation status is currently almost 90 percent. The contractor of the construction works is Korporacja Budowlana DORACO. The investment costs nearly PLN 223 million net and was co-financed by the EU from the Cohesion Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program 2014-2020.