Balticon has officially opened an intermodal container terminal at the Port of Gdansk. The square will eventually fit over 10,000 teu, a railway siding will also be commissioned soon.
The Balticon inland intermodal
terminal was officially opened on Thursday, May 18, although a large
part of the storage yard has been available for some time. During the
event, Tomasz Szmid, President of Balticon SA, Vice-President Michał
Magdziarz and President of InvestGDA Alan Aleksandrowicz talked about
the investment.
The terminal opened at 51 Ku Ujście
Street, in the vicinity of the Baltic Hub sea terminal, the Balticon
refrigerated depot and the National Road 89, will be used for
transshipments in the road-rail and rail-road relationship, as well
as for the storage of containers, their packing and unpacking. As
part of the project, a yard for storing containers with specialized
reloading equipment is already available, as well as a hall for
modifying containers. However, this is only the first, although the
largest part of the project.
– This yard, which is currently
paved, will be able to store 7,700 teu. In the square that is being
built on the border of this site, another 3,000 teu. As for the
number of operations we plan to perform, it will be about 100,000
transshipments per year - says Tomasz Szmid, president of Balticon
SA. – There are already six reloading machines in operation here.
The total investment of the depot is PLN 27 million, the eligible
costs are PLN 22 million, half of the eligible costs are co-financed
by the European Union. The huge support from the EU allowed us to
complete this investment many years faster than we would have done on
our own – he explains.
The next stage, which will complete
the terminal, will be the launch of a railway siding with a length of
380 meters.
– It should be ready in three
months – announces President Szmid. – The next stage will be
ready in the fourth quarter of this year - it is a special 3-hectare
yard for handling full containers, customs services, reloading and
forming containers. This is the next step, natural and complementary
in existence to the intermodal terminal.
As Szmid admits, the terminal is a
new challenge for the company, which until now dealt with the
handling of empty containers. However, the company is developing
systematically and is currently the leader in its industry in the
– We started the investment in 2008
with the development of DCT Gdańsk – now Baltic Hub – and the
transfer of our client Maersk Line to Gdańsk. We launched a
container depot of 2 hectares to handle empty containers. Currently,
we have 16 hectares, which are 80% used under containers. We are
currently the largest depot in the Baltic Sea region, we are now
expanding our services to include full container service in the form
of storage and formation of trains with containers. This is quite
strongly related to Poland's opening up to foreign services. Trains
from Ukraine arrive at the port of Gdańsk due to the blockade of the
port in Odessa. We are preparing for the possibility of handling such
cargo lines - explains Michał Magdziarz, COO Balticon SA.
As he adds, Balticon will be ready to
handle the increased number of containers that are to come to Poland
with the opening of new berths at the Baltic Hub in 2025.
– The depot is primarily used to handle Polish imports and exports. Producers and trading companies need space to handle goods imported and exported from Poland. This is our role, this is what the entire logistics and maritime industry is for and we are proud to be able to contribute to this - says Magdziarz.
During the ceremony, the president
of Balticon, Tomasz Szmid, thanked Alan Aleksandrowicz from the
Gdańsk Economic Development Agency InvestGDA for his help in the
implementation of the project. Aleksandrowicz himself also did not
hide his joy from the investment:
– This is of great importance for
the port city of Gdańsk and increases the efficiency of the supply
chain. We are sure that this investment and its further stages will
have a positive impact on the development of the port, and the entire
space will take on a new functional and economic meaning - he said.
The terminal is also part of the
development of the TEN-T communication network.
During the official opening of the
terminal, the invited representatives of the maritime industry and
journalists could also admire up close the capabilities of the Kalmar
reloading machines operating at the terminal. One of them also got
the name "Mamut", chosen in a draw from among the guests'