In the Port of Gdynia, the approach track will be deepened and widened. The cost of the investment, carried out by the Maritime Office in Gdynia, will amount to approximately PLN 130 million. The works are to be carried out within 20 months.
A contract for the task entitled
"Deepening of the fairway and internal waters of the Port of
Gdynia. Stage II - Deepening of the approach track ”was signed on
Thursday at the Gdynia Maritime University.
At the request of the Maritime
Office in Gdynia, the works will be performed by a consortium of
companies: Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Czerpalnych i Podwodnych sp.z
o.o. in Gdańsk (leader), Rohde Nielsen A / S - Partner from Denmark,
and Van den Herik Kust-en Oeverwerken B.V. - Partner from the
The fairway to the Port of Gdynia
is 3.7 kilometers long.
- We are opening a new quality,
which consists in deepening the track to 17 meters and widening it to
280 meters. It will be a fast traffic route to the Gdynia port, which
is to develop and allow to handle ships with a length of 400 meters -
said the director of the Gdynia Maritime Office, Wiesław
He explained that the investment
will also include to change the foundations of the southern and
northern port entrance heads. There will also be a new navigation
The cost of the investment is
approximately PLN 130 million, of which over PLN 100 million is a
subsidy from the European Union budget.
The ceremony of signing the
contract on the deepening of the approach fairway to the Port of
Gdynia was held as part of the seminar entitled "Fit for 55.
Opportunities and threats to sea transport". The conference was
organized by the Polish Register of Shipping S.A. and Gdynia Maritime
Source: PAP