MSR Gryfia in Świnoujście was honored as a Supplier of the Year 2014 by Reederei Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG.
Reederei Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG has established a system awarding once per year suppliers or service providers who have shown a remarkable performance. The performance of the recommended partner company is evaluated according to the different criteria’s e.g.: quality & price, reliability, know-how and competency, communication and customer service. The nominated candidates are elected by an inhouse gremium and then are awarded with a Certificate proving the appreciation of Reederei Hermann Buss GmbH & Cie KG towards the respective business partner.
We are very pleased distinction awarded by our client, a company Reederei Hermann Buss, because it is the best proof that our efforts are well received and appreciated by shipowners, for whom we work - says Paul Porzycki, Director of Marketing at the shipyard MSR Gryfia. We also hope that the award such as \"Supplier of the Year\" will help us to convince us to cooperate with other owners, for those who appreciate high quality and experience in the industry - he added.
Reederei Hermann Buss has been existing already for several generations. Its roots date back to the era of sailing ships. Like in former times, today’s experienced captains of the Buss family have the company rudder firmly in their hands and as before they maintain their course for increased growth both in the commercial and nautical-technical sectors. This is not least due to the creative inspiration, new ideas and experienced farsightedness of the entire company team - shorebased and seagoing. The Buss Group fleet of nearly 70 ships is at home on all the world’s seas as the constantly increasing flow of goods between countries and continents can only be economically and ecologically overcome with this means of transport. That the Buss Group has always followed the correct route can be seen by both the well-developed fleet and also by investments of the shipping company into a high quality and safety management.
With over 60 years of experience in the ship industry, MSR Gryfia is one of the best recognized brands in the Polish maritime industry. MSR Gryfia specialises in ship repairs and rebuildings. The shipyard also carries out such repair works as reconstructions of ERs, repairs of main engines, repairs of shaft lines and screw propellers, hull and welding work, cleaning, painting and surface protection work, steel work and machining, joinery and upholstery, repair of deck equipment or installation and repair of radio and navigation equipment. For over 15 years now, MSR Gryfia has also specialized in production of steel structures for the offshore sector. Its favourable location in Szczecin and Świnoujscie (next to the German border) guarantees short transport to the target markets in the North and Baltic Sea.
The shipyard is completly equipped plant that offers a full range of services for ships of all types and sizes including Panamax. Apart from robust docks, the shipyard boasts well equipped construction plants and assembly yards suited for offshore component prefabrication.