The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone (PSSE), Industrial Development Agency (ARP) and Stocznia Gdańska are launching a project to revitalize the Ostrów Island area. By the end of the year, PSSE will complete the first phase of modernization works.
On then other hand ARP will financially strengthen Gdańsk Shipyard. For the shipyard’s new management, the priority is to finalize work on the development strategy and to win new contracts. Cooperation with ARP will enable the reactivation of shipbuilding and the acquisition of new investors. The revitalization project is also supported by the NSZZ Solidarność union.
- I am also glad here, in this building, that today we can announce to the world and to this city, that the Gdansk Shipyard is entering the next stage of its life – said Mateusz Morawiecki, Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, on the Gdansk Agreement aniversary on 31 August.
The reconstruction of the shipbuilding industry is an essential part of the Strategy for the Responsible Development created by the Mateusz Morawiecki’s government.
- The takeover of Gdańsk Shipyard and GSG Towers by the State Treasury is part of a grand plan, a great revitalization project, which is the reconstruction of not only the shipbuilding industry, but also the entire maritime economy along with inland navigation - wrote Jarosław Kaczyński, the PiS president.
The Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, in consultation with the Industrial Development Agency is implementing the project of activating post-shipyard areas and the infrastructure located thereon. The joint project aims to adapt these areas to modern shipbuilding based on the latest industrial technologies and qualified staff.
On the revitalized areas two new mounting plates with a total area of 20,000 m2 will be created. They will border the quays, which gives the opportunity to directlty launching the vessels. Along the Nabrzeże Trawlerowe quay, ships up to 150 m long, their elements and superstructures will be uilt built. The superstructures will be built along Hala 33. The Hala 33 itself is also being rebuilt and will be re-equipped, so that after the purchase of new equipment and lines, units up to 90 m in length can be created there.
- I am convinced that both when it comes to shipbuilding, steel structures, the market of wind towers, there is a huge potential for development. If we make good use of it, these next years may be a breakthrough for the shipyard - said Paweł Borys, president of the board of the Polish Development Fund.
Modernization processes should significantly accelerate in the near future. ARP plans, through its subsidiaries, mainly SPV Operator, to significantly strengthen the financing of Gdańsk Shipyard.
- We are preparing a business plan together with Stocznia Gdańska, which includes both investment opportunities and reorganization opportunities. We are preparing, together with the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, an investment plan regarding the development of mounting plates, the development of this area around the shipbuilding buildings, so that it is possible to safely, economically and flexibly produce small, larger units and various other devices that should be created here. And on this basis, we want to restore the competitiveness of the yard's production, and thus the stability of the plant – said Andrzej Kensbok, vice president of the Industrial Development Agency.
The funds under the recapitalization are to be allocated by the yard's management board to working capital, modernization of halls and technological lines as well as investments in the machinery park. This will allow you to win contracts, also in new segments.
- We want to have strong presence on the oil & gas market, the production of transformer stations or other marine steel constructions. We want to focus more on the development of ecological energy generation techniques. Therefore, using this potential and our own knowledge, we will continue to develop activities in the field of construction of offshore wind farms. We plan to be the first in Poland to implement the design and production of floating wind tower - said Marcin Stojek, president of Gdańsk Shipyard and GSG Towers.
The new management of Gdańsk Shipyard, appointed by the Industrial Development Agency, finishes work on updating the medium-term development strategy, adapting it to the existing situation after taking over the ownership control over the company from the Ukrainian Gdańsk Shipyard Group. At the same time, the Management Board is actively seeking new contracts, so that thanks to higher sales revenues, it will regain profitability and ensure stable employment in the coming years.
- We are also active in the segment of steel constructions. We build competences that will allow us to join our offer in the "Bridges for Regions" program. The project involves the construction of 21 crossings and government support at the level of PLN 2.3 billion. At the Kaszubskie Quay, construction of the superstructure of a fishing vessel is currently being finalized for one of our largest contractors. We are actively seeking contracts for the construction of further sections, primarily hulls, entire units, so as to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the new assembly plates - added Stojek.
The Ostrów Island has an extraordinary investment potential. Perfectly connected areas, located almost in the center of Gdańsk, directly adjacent to the 550-meter Kashubian and Trawler quays and Gdańsk Shipyard.
The modernization process of the part of the Ostrów Island belonging to the PSSE has been divided into three stages. Currently intensive work is underway on the area of 14 ha to enable the reactivization of shipbuilding activities.