PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna has held information workshops for potential suppliers of products and services for its offshore wind farm development project in the Baltic Sea. The online event was attended by nearly 500 firms, including more than 400 Polish businesses.
The information workshops for product suppliers and service providers interested in working on PGE’s wind farm development project were held on 18 June 2021. The workshops featured representatives from PGE, PGE Baltica and Denmark-based Ørsted. The event was attended by close to 500 companies, including more than 400 Polish firms. They had the opportunity to learn about the timetable for PGE’s investments in offshore wind farms, the scope of work and plans to develop port infrastructure. PGE’s procurement website was also presented in order to make it easier for potential contractors to participate in tenders organised by PGE. They also had the option to sign up for PGE’s potential contractor database. Local supply chain development case studies were presented by PGE’s Danish partner Ørsted.
This is yet another series of PGE’s workshops with potential contractors. Previous editions were addressed to firms interested in participating in tenders concerning the district heating and onshore wind areas.
PGE is planning further meetings with potential counterparties from the offshore wind energy industry so as to keep them up-to-date and encourage them to participate in PGE’s offshore project. PGE will be publishing information on its current investments and tenders for this market on an on-going basis and will ensure open access to these procedures for any interested contractor.
PGE is the leader of the energy transition in Poland and the driving force behind the development of domestic offshore capabilities. Its aim is to create a local supply chain that will contribute to supporting domestic companies and thus stimulate the Polish economy. Contracts in the offshore model will be based on Polish law, which will significantly facilitate their performance by domestic businesses and substantially reduce the operating costs involved in bidding for these contracts.