On 13th November Nauta Shiprepair Yard has signed contract for building fully equipped fishing vessel. The unit has been ordered by a Scottish owner.
This contract is another important step towards Nauta Newbuilding activities. So far the Yard has built mainly partly equipped fishing trawlers – said Krzysztof Juchniewicz, CEO of Nauta Shiprepair Yard. Now we have started the next stage which is construction of turn - key vessels, where we will not only build the steel hull but integrate all sophisticated equipment – added Mr. Juchniewicz.
The vessel will have over 87 m length and 18 m wide.
During last two years Nauta signed contracts for 12 partly outfitted purse seiner trawlers for Danish and Norwegian customers. By executing turn – key contracts we believe that the Yard will be placed in a higher level of know how necessary for these kind of contracts – said Ewa Jagielska, Director of Marketing in Newbuilding Departament.
The vessel will be equipped with the most modern fishing equipment such as fish finding, catching and storage system suitable for different type of school pelagic spices . The complete propulsion plant, including main engine about 7 000 kW, together with two bow thrusters, will provide very good maneuverability during the catching operation and purse seining operation.