What sources are used to produce electricity in Poland? What is the amount of CO2 emissions from a particular energy mix? From which countries do we import electricity? How does Poland look like in comparison to neighbouring countries? All these data can now be tracked on the Forum Energii website, hour by hour. We are handing over the Forumetr to you.
Forumetr is an interactive tool to visualise real-time electricity market data for Poland and neighbouring countries with which Poland has interconnections. Data is supplied to Forumetr from the ENTSO-E Transparency Platform. The graphs illustrate data about electricity production and consumption, prices, CO2 emissions, and cross-border exchange.
- Energy sector is changing rapidly. Often not verified information appears in public debate. Access to electricity market data is very limited, at a charge or the form of presentation leaves much to be desired. These are the reasons why we used new IT tools that automate data collection and visualization processes. We want the society to have access to knowledge―says Joanna Maćkowiak-Pandera, CEO of Forum Energii.
Why was Forumetr created?
Open access to data collected in one place forms is the basis for a discussion on the challenges facing the Polish energy sector, directions of changes, strategic decisions and necessary investments. . In Poland the dispersion of information about the energy market and the lack of data transparency often makes the discussion about the energy transition difficult. Forum Energii since the beginning of its existence has strived to make data and knowledge easily accessible not only to market participants and experts, but to all those interested in the sector.
This is how the idea to create Forumetr began. The tool was created by Enercode on behalf of Forum Energii. Forumetr users can view data about the energy mix, prices or CO2 emissions for six countries: Poland, Germany, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Slovakia and Sweden. With these countries Poland has interconnections. Forumetr enables users to choose the range of dates, countries or energy sources.
Recent changes in the energy system in Poland are noticeable―electricity production from coal is going down, electricity imports are going up; the importance of gas in the energy mix continues to grow, and renewable energy sources play a more important role in the system. Forumetr will make it possible to document and follow the progress of the energy transition in Poland and other countries, in the implementation of new RES capacities into the system and to observe the price and emission consequences of having an energy mix with a particular structure.
Similar to other publications by Forum Energii, data presented in Forumetr are made available free of charge and can be reproduced, provided attribution is made to the source.
The Forumetr is available at forumetr.forum-energii.eu