The Management Board of Shiprepair Yard Nauta S.A. announces that the restructuring proceedings carried out by the company were closed on 28 October 2021. As a part of the proceedings, an arrangement was made with creditors, and the arrangement has been finally approved by the court. Thanks to the effective restructuring, the company has continued its operational activity in an uninterrupted manner.
More than 300 creditors voted in favour of the arrangement, holding in total more than 93% voting liabilities. Company would like to thank all the creditors for their trust, but for which the effective restructuring of the company would not have been possible.
Presently, the company is getting ready for the performance of the arrangement. Deadlines for repayments have been detailed in the approved arrangement, and their maturity dates are calculated from the date of approving the arrangement by the court (i.e. 15 November 2021).
Creditors who have any questions about the arrangement are kindly requested to contact the company at restrukturyzacja@nauta.pl or +48 58 5859593.