With the positive result, capacity booking procedure for the Norwegian Corridor is finally confirmed. The corridor will bring natural gas from Norwegian continental shelf and the North Sea to Poland.
Under this procedure, PGNiG made a binding commitment for capacity booking for the period between October 1st, 2022 and September 30th, 2037. The underlying liability to be incurred over the 15-year period amounts to PLN 8.1b.
PGNiG is determined to make full use of the capacity booked in the future Norwegian Corridor as a way to diversify its imports portfolio. Thanks to the positive result, gas transmission service contracts can be signed with Gaz System and Energinet - Danish and Polish transmission system operators. Contract signing is scheduled for the nearest future.
‘Now that we have positive results of economic tests for the Baltic Pipe, we are a step closer to achieving the strategic objective of diversifying gas supply routes and sources for Poland, especially as regards the imports of natural gas produced by PGNiG on the Norwegian shelf’, says Piotr Woźniak, President of PGNiG Management Board.
Economic test was focused on project viability; it was performed as part of the Open Season Procedure, in line with the requirements of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation Mechanisms in Gas Transmission Systems (the CAM NC Regulation). Test completion and announcement of results were overseen by Polish Energy Regulatory Office (ERO) and Danish Energy Regulatory Authority (DERA).