SeaData Sp. z o. o.
We specialize in the implementation and creation of IT solutions in environmental monitoring and the so-called ‘Earth observation’(UAVs observations, GIS, satellite data processing). Our systems are built based on the IoT devices, sensors of dust and pollution, GIS data and solutions related to AI and Machine Learning. Furthermore, apart from client data we integrate into our products public datasets from local environmental agencies, city monitoring systems and satellite observations.
Our flagship products are:
-Stationary system of air quality monitoring, working continuously for 24 hours a day.
-Risk assessment tool for the predictions of possible dusting events and air pollution accumulation due to weather conditions.
-Industrial noise monitoring,
-System of data analysis, visualisation and export.
-Aerial air pollution monitoring from drones in cooperation with Camdrone company.
SeaData team has extensive experience in the creation of analytical systems and BigData management. Our aim is to create products that make everyday work easier and make a good use of all the data collected by the company. Thus, SeaData’s offer is not limited to environmental monitoring but BigData management, IoT solutions and AI applications.
In details:
Air quality monitoring system based on the network of YetiBox sensing devices and YetiSense analytical system. YetiBox’es collect information about the particulate matter concentrations in the air (PM10, PM2.5, PM100) and in the real time send the data to YetiSense system. YetiSense is much more than the tool for YetiBox’es data analysis. It is an advanced platform collecting data from various sources, including public measuring stations (e.g. environmental agencies) and satellites products, all featured in a number or applications for comprehensive and fast analysis of air quality in the particular area. Available for the client are interactive maps, charts, data comparison features, automatic and personalized reports, notification and alarming systems and other.
Important part of the YetiSense system is a risk assessment tool for dusting and air pollution. Based on meteorological data, weather forecasts and YetiBox data it determines the risk of bulk cargo dusting and the danger of high pollution concentration due to particulate matter accumulation in the lowest layer of the atmosphere. Forecasts and warnings are generated daily for the next 24 hours. Included in the tool are reports with the brief description of daily feedback about predicted risks sent to the client every morning.
Currently we added to our offer new products:
-Acoustic Maps- generated according to European Union Directive 2015/996 from 19th of May 2015 (CNOSSOS-EU). Algorithm responsible for map creation have been designed in cooperation with scientist and developers from french institute Mixt Research Unit in Environmental Acoustics (Ifsttar). The goal of this project is to generate maps in real-time in 1 hours intervals, based on data collected by YetiBox’es and numerical modelling.
-Aerial air pollution monitoring with drones- in cooperation with Camdrone company SeaData offers measurements of chlorine, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, formaldehyde, hydrogen-sulfide and carbon monoxide. Measurements are conducted over the chosen area with drones equipped in the certified sensors.