June at the Safe shipyard in Gdańsk began with another launch. This time the hull of the tugboat stood on the water.
The process of launching the hull
of the partially equipped Multicat 2913 tugboat began at 8 am. The
ship was moved to the water by the Maja floating crane.
The Multicat 2913 tug is being built at the Safe shipyard for the Damen Hardinxveld shipyard from the Netherlands. Its build number is YN571843. It measures 29 meters long and 13 meters wide. Interestingly, this is the first prototype ship of this type. The vessel even has an IMO number: 9988657. Damen was responsible for developing the technical design, and the working documentation was prepared by the Safe design office. The vessel is being built under the supervision of the BV classification society. The hull will be towed to the Netherlands for fitting in mid-month as planned.
The Safe shipyard regularly builds
hulls and fully equipped tugboats, e.g. commissioned by the Damen
Group. About 60 vessels have already been built for this client in
Gdańsk, including Shoalbuster and MultiCat types. Safe also builds
multi-purpose ships, e.g. for the needs of hydrotechnical
– We are talking about some new
projects. The number of tasks for this year and for the next one is
considerable – says Andrzej Łuczak, technical dire