„We have beaten the Russian Port of Primorsk and are in the second place in the Baltic in total transshipments. We also managed to maintain first place in container transshipments. Absolutely record-breaking was July – we noted a historic 5.8 million tons per month. We have a real chance to end this year at a level of over 60 million tons," explains Lukasz Greinke, CEO of the Port of Gdańsk.
From January to the end of July
this year, more than 36 million tons of goods were handled at the
Port of Gdańsk. This is 20 percent more than in the same period last
year. Almost all cargo groups recorded increases. The biggest jump is
in timber - by 3150 percent. Ore transshipments also increased
significantly - by 267 percent. On the plus side are energy raw
materials. Coal increased by nearly 67 percent, and liquid fuels by
more than 39 percent. Only other bulk (aggregates, sulfur) recorded
declines - by 23 percent. There is a slight correction in general
cargo (-0.4 percent).
After a pandemic year, the cruise market
slumped. This year brings a positive change. Due to the war in
Ukraine, there is more cruise ship traffic in the Baltic ports. This
is due to shipowners' decisions - no passenger vessels are currently
calling at the Russian port of St. Petersburg. The port of Gdańsk
has pledged a record number of more than 90 cruise ships by the end
of the year and estimates that it will receive about 35,000 tourists.
By the end of July it had hosted 53 cruise ships, 44 more than for
the whole of last year.
Ports - strategic for the
The current growth of port operators is very
dynamic, which is why Port of Gdańsk Authority S.A. (ZMPG S.A.) is
talking about new projects. In order to handle growing cargo streams,
especially of energy raw materials for domestic needs, and grain,
iron ore, steel products or sunflower oil for Ukrainian export needs,
further investments are needed, including the construction of storage
and warehousing yards. Thanks to diversification in cargo groups, as
well as the ongoing projects, the port is resilient to market
turbulence, which it proves with steadily growing transshipments. As
an enterprise of strategic importance to the national economy, the
port must be flexible and respond quickly to market needs.
ZMPG S.A. is currently carrying out
intensive investment and renovation work, which, due to the
geopolitical situation, is a priority, as it focuses on preparing new
areas for coal storage, and ensuring their full accessibility to rail
infrastructure. Site hardening of 100,000 square meters and major
repairs to tracks with a total length of 1,367 meters have already
been completed. By October of this year, more land for coal storage
and handling - with an area of 81,000 sq. m - is to be hardened, and
a section of 2072 m of railroad tracks is to be repaired.
are not only the flywheel of the national economy in peacetime, but
also the guarantor of military, energy and food security in times of
armed conflict, which we are witnessing. Hence the joint initiative
of Gaz-System, ZMPG S.A. and the Maritime Office, namely the
construction of a floating LNG regasification terminal of the FSRU
This is a vessel that stores liquid gas and has an
installation that changes the raw material from liquefied to gaseous
form. As part of this project, two berths for the vessels will be
built. The state budget has set aside PLN 856 million for this
purpose. The construction of the FSRU terminal is a priority for the
country's energy security. This is because the investment will
contribute to the diversification of sources of natural gas supply to
Poland, and thus independence from a single supplier of this
In addition, the Port of Gdańsk, in cooperation
with the operator, Port Północny, which performs transshipment of
ore and coal at the ore pier, is seeking approval for the
construction of another railcar loading facility to make the
transport of goods from the port even more efficient. The potential
on the board is 7.5 million tons of goods per year. Another millions
of bulk cargoes, including coal, can be handled by Port Gdański
Eksploatacja. This is possible thanks to the modernized Dworzec
Drzewny wharf, where the company operates, as well as investments in
handling equipment.
Due to increasing oil transshipments,
Naftoport has also decided to expand. An additional transshipment
site for these products will be built at the terminal. All these
investments are strategic in terms of national security, but also
increase the port's competitiveness and strengthen its position