Polish Ports 2030 Congress. Thinking about the future - MarinePoland.com
Polish Ports 2030 Congress. Thinking about the future
Date of publication: 15.06.2024

The future will bring changes to Polish ports. Transhipment structures will change, the way of thinking about supply chains will change, the needs of the terminals themselves will change, and new technologies will streamline processes, but also introduce new risks. The participants of the 2nd Polish Ports 2030 Congress agreed - the Polish port industry cannot rest on its laurels.

Over 750 guests took part in this year's, second edition of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress, which took place at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Sopot on 10-11 June. This is the only conference event in Poland that is entirely devoted to port industry issues. Its participants emphasized that topics close to the sector were discussed at other events, but it is at the Polish Ports 2030 Congress that they feel at home.

– Polish ports are not only a sector of the economy, they are a community that has been a guest at various conferences for years. Our concept, the concept of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress, has allowed seaports to host the conference for the first time, and as a host we are welcoming other representatives of the economy here – says Mateusz Kowalewski, the organizer of the Congress and publisher of the GospodarkaMorska.pl & MarinePoland.com portals. – This year's edition confirms the enormous potential of Polish ports, confirms the change in the perception of ports as the main hub both in terms of trade and the one that secures Poland in terms of energy cargo – he adds.

The Congress was opened by Arkadiusz Marchewka, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure for Maritime Economy and Inland Navigation.

– Polish seaports are playing an increasingly important role in economic processes, they are an important place on the economic map of Central and Eastern Europe – says Deputy Minister Arkadiusz Marchewka. – The world is changing very quickly. Two years ago, no one thought that Putin would barbarously attack our eastern neighbor, so today we must look at the development of ports not only in the economic context, but also in the context of security. The implementation of new investments, related to the expansion of container ports, the construction of terminals for offshore wind farms, the expansion of further rail and road investments in ports, this is what we must think about.

During two days of debates, about 80 panelists talked about the problems and opportunities of the broadly understood port industry, also touching on logistics, energy, security, and even IT and modern technologies. 10 different discussion panels proved that ports are currently not only places of transshipment, but also key economic hubs. Although there has been no shortage of investments and record transshipments recently, the industry still faces new challenges.

- We should remember that we are part of a global organism, in which the participation of ships is undeniably important for our broadly understood socio-economic development - says Dorota Pyć, President of the Port of Gdańsk Authority. - I think we should talk about the perspective of at least 2050, if not further. At the moment, we are considering very important issues in the Port of Gdańsk, namely we have started work on the concept of the port development strategy until 2060. Our perspective is broader, because when implementing investments in offshore wind energy, for example, these 30 years are the minimum. We have to build with a certain margin, thinking about the vision of the port's future - adds the President of the Port of Gdańsk.

Jarosław Siergiej, President of the Ports of Szczecin and Świnoujście Authority, points out that recent years in Polish ports have been a kind of "anomaly".

- The ports have been on a steady growth path. It has been going on for about 15 years. Recent years 2022, 2023 were a certain anomaly, there were incidental increases in transshipment, which are normalizing this year. The growth trend is still there, yes, but the balance is reduced to the issue of normal functioning. Nevertheless, the investment plans of each of the three ports of fundamental importance for the maritime economy include many investments serving the development and increasing potential. The ports have good times ahead - says Siergiej.

Piotr Gorzeński, President of the Port of Gdynia Authority, also draws attention to the need for long-term planning.

- What we are planning in the ports now will only come true in a dozen or so years. Five years is a perspective that is already full from an investment point of view. We know what we have to do during this time. What we will accomplish by the end of 2030 will be the basis for building further, so that the ports have a certain basis for development in the years to come - says Piotr Gorzeński.

In addition to ten debates and several industry presentations, the Polish Ports 2030 Congress is also a ceremonial gala during which the Lighthouse of the Maritime Economy awards are presented. This year, they went to six winners. The statuettes prepared by Gdańsk sculptor Stanisław Szwechowicz were awarded to the Morska Agencja Gdynia, PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, Wuprohyd, Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie, OT Logistics and the Jack Strong Foundation together with the Association of Maritime Cities and Municipalities.

The success of the second edition of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress showed that the Polish seaports sector needs to meet and exchange views. That is why the organizers are already planning the next edition of the event.

– I would like to invite you to the next, third edition of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress in June 2025. Once again, we will meet in Sopot, once again, we will talk about Polish ports, sea terminals, transshipment operators and contractors – says Mateusz Kowalewski.

This year's edition of the Polish Ports 2030 Congress took place thanks to the involvement and cooperation of numerous partners.

Honorary patronage:
Ministry of Infrastructure, Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk

Strategic Partners:
Port of Gdańsk Authority, Port of Gdynia Authority, Morska Agencja Gdynia, Wuprohyd, PGE Baltica

Economic Partners:
Seaports Authority Szczecin and Świnoujście. Naftoport, Baltic Hub, OT Logistics Group, HES Gdynia Bulk Terminal, Industria, Budimex, PORR, Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Czeralnych i Podwodnych, Erbud, Szczecin Bulk Terminal, Hutchison Ports Gdynia, Baltexpo, Grupa NDI, Grupa Technologiczna ASE, Orlen Neptun, Bank Pekao

Thematic Partners:
Bulk Cargo Port Szczecin, OKMARIT Logistic & Shipbroking, BLG AutoTerminal Gdańsk, Jargut | Magrol, Węglokoks, Attis Broker, Doraco, Port Gdański Eksploatacja, BCT Gdynia, Polski Rejestr Statków, Siark-Port, Scan 3D, Szkuner Władysławowo, BST Brokers, FRD Polska, Mondry Terminal Gdynia, Warta, Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Polskie Wody, Ocean Winds, Royal HaskoningDHV, Projmors, Elmech – ASE, Eko Konsult, Antea Group, Sea Global, ENOLA Logistics, WUŻ, WAG, Centrum Nowych Kompetencji, Speed, PSP Florian, Hauraton, Shell Fleet Solutions, Radiolex, GeoFusion Group

Media and substantive patronage:
PAP Biznes, GospodarkaMorska.pl, ZielonaGospodarka.pl,
Polska Izba Spedycji i Logistyki, Radio Gdańsk, ETA FM

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