Poland is the fifth largest exporter of yachts in Europe and eighth in the world. As PIE experts pointed out, Polish shipyards annually produce approx. 22 thousand motor and sailing yachts - both luxury yachts and units for beginner sailors, 95% of which are it is exported."They specialize mainly in motor yachts up to 9 meters, but they also carry out contracts for specific orders" - they stated.
Referring to Central Statistical Office (GUS) data, analysts indicated that the main directions of sales of Polish yachts are: Germany (in 2020, they accounted for 17 percent of the value of Polish exports), USA (15 percent) and France (11 percent). "Polish units also find recipients in other European countries as well as in non-EU countries, including Turkey, Russia, Canada, Australia, China, Japan, Thailand and the Middle East countries" - mentioned in the latest issue of "Tygodnik Gospodarczy PIE ".
It was noted that our country is the eighth in the world and fifth in Europe exporter of yachts and other recreational and sports vessels. Analysts emphasized that Poland is "the absolute leader in Europe and second in the world in the narrower category of exports of vessels classified as other than sailboats or motorboats". Poland's share in world trade increased from 8 percent in 2011 to nearly 23 percent in 2020 "only the USA is ahead of Poland with a share of 30.3 percent." - indicated.
Eurostat data show that in 2020, the export of Polish yachts accounted for 61.2 percent the total value of exports in this commodity group of the EU-27 countries.
PIE noted that despite the record results from foreign sales this year, the industry, due to the pandemic, remains moderately optimistic. According to data from the report of the Polish Chamber of Yachting Industry and Water Sports, companies "are mainly concerned about the negative effects of increasing delays in supply chains, rising prices of raw materials and components, which will affect the cost of manufacturing the final product and may mean a reduction in profitability."
Experts added that the decline in demand caused by the excessive increase in the prices of yachts and boats and subsequent COVID-19 waves also raises concerns.
Source: PAP
Photo: Depositphotos