PKN Orlen has received approvals to begin work on the construction of an offshore wind farm installation terminal in Świnoujście, CEO Daniel Obajtek announced on social media on Thursday.
months after the decision to build an offshore farm installation
terminal in Świnoujście, we have received approvals from the West
Pomeranian Governor Zbigniew Bogucki, allowing us to start work. The
terminal will be ready as early as 2025, supporting the
implementation of our offshore projects," PKN Orlen CEO Daniel
Obajtek wrote on Twitter on Thursday.
mid-October last year, Orlen signed an agreement with the Szczecin
and Świnoujscie Seaports Authority for the construction of an
installation terminal in Swinoujscie.
investment will be carried out as part of the offshore wind farm
project in the Baltic Sea. Offshore wind farm components, including
turbines, are to be delivered to the terminal site.
wharves will be built: each 250 meters long, which will be able to
handle the largest offshore construction vessels and more. The port
will also be able to preassemble both turbines and masts up to a
height of more than 100 meters, lifting capacity of 1,000 tons.
Obajtek announced in October, PKN Orlen plans to generate 10 TWh of
zero-carbon energy and 12 TWh of low-carbon energy by 2030.
first project to be implemented using the installation terminal in
Świnoujście is to be Baltic Power, a joint venture between Orlen
Group and Canadian company Northland Power.
Baltic Power farm, with a capacity of up to 1.2 GW, is to be located
about 23 km from the coast at Choczewo and Łeba. When completed in
2026, it will be able to supply more than 1.5 million households with
clean energy.