The Offshore Training Centre (Centrum Szkoleniowe Offshore, CSO) consists of more than a dozen pieces of equipment and installations. These include a 4 m deep training pool, a pool wave and fog generator, a survivor lift simulator that simulates the so-called rotor downwash, i.e. a change in the direction of air deflected by helicopter rotor blades, a crane for sinking a helicopter cabin, or a system that imitates storm conditions.
"This appears to be the first installation of its kind on the training market in Poland, and we are proud of it. The training opportunities for students and trainees have increased enormously. Weather at sea has many facets and we would like not only to talk about it, but first and foremost to show it", said MUSTC Academic Training Centre Director Kamil Kielek.
As he added, the centre has a wave generator in the form of a giant sphere, which, based on the principle of a changing centre of gravity, jumps up and down in the water, thus producing a wave.
"In addition to this, we have high-powered fans, we have strobe lights that simulate flashes, and we have a powerful audio system that we use to imitate the sounds of a storm, but also of a helicopter approaching survivors. It also allows us to imitate alarm signals", explained Kielek.
On Wednesday, a wind turbine was also officially opened by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Maritime University of Technology.
"It has all the elements that are in an actual wind turbine, of course we are still 'unlearning' it. It is powered by an electric motor, but what we want is not so much for it to produce electricity, but for students to be able to learn all the mechanisms and principles that will take place there", said Vice-Rector for Science at the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin, Artur Bejger, Ph.
The simulator is 20 metres high, and will be used by students of the Maritime University of Technology to become qualified to work on offshore wind farms, among other things. The first classes are to take place after the summer holidays.