For many years, the Polish
Register of Shipping (Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.) has conducted
research and development activities to support new technologies at
sea and on land. The latest example is the supervision of the new
generation hovercraft PRC-650.
- In this project, the latest
experience of Łukasiewicz-ILOT team (Aviation Institute from
Łukasiewicz Research Network) in the field of numerical simulation
of flows, modern manufacturing techniques and design of composite
aircraft structures was applied - says Marcin Wojciechowski, the
manager of marketing and communication office at the Polish Register
of Shipping.
Hovercraft PRC-650 is another
construction of this experienced company, at which PRS S.A.
inspectors work.
What will PCR-650 gain in
comparison with the previous models?
- enlarged cabin and door in order
to facilitate taking the injured from the water and resuscitation
- power of the propulsion system increased by 50%;
transport nodes for helicopter transport of the hovercraft;
electrical installation adapted to maritime conditions.
Thanks to the application of a
unique combination of technical solutions, the PRC-650 hovercraft has
usable qualities that none of the currently manufactured hovercrafts
- We keep our fingers crossed for
the next stages of certification of this vessel - adds Wojciechowski.