Mostostal Pomorze made 5 subsea structures for the gas field in the Norwegian Sea.
The structures made by Mostostal
Pomorze were created as part of the Halten Ost project for Aker
Solutions. Mostostal's scope of work included the prefabrication of 5
sets of template structures with hatches, prefabrication and assembly
of piping, installation on anchors, anti-corrosion protection and FAT
compliance tests. Each of them weighed over 200 tons, and the project
took eight months to complete.
– From MPG the structures are
transported to the Norwegian Sea, on the bottom of which they will be
installed. Therefore, before shipping, they had to undergo laborious
functionality and acceptance tests with the participation of the
customer. Our priority, in addition to meeting quality requirements,
was to ensure the highest level of health and safety throughout the
entire work period – said Dominik Karpiński, project manager.
The loading itself took place using the Maja floating crane.
Subsea structures and their
specific requirements are not new for Mostostal. To date, the company
has produced over 6,000 tons of various subsea structures embedded in
the seabed at oil and gas facilities around the world.
In June this year, Mostostal
Pomorze signed another contract with Aker Solutions, the largest in
the history of the company's operations (worth more than PLN 100
million). The structures ordered under this contract will be
delivered to the Yggdrasil oil and gas production area in the
Norwegian part of the North Sea, managed by Aker BP. The scope of
Mostostal Pomorze includes sections of process platforms. The works
will consist of prefabrication and assembly of steel modules,
installation of supporting infrastructure and anti-corrosion
protection. The contract will begin in the fourth quarter of 2023 and
will take 18 months.
The entire Yggdrasil field will be
remotely controlled from the onshore integrated operations center and
control room in Stavanger. With this, Aker BP will set a new standard
for remote field operations, with unmanned platforms, new technology
and data-driven decisions and work processes.