KB Pomorze Sp. z o.o.
We deliver construction, fabrication and installation services for the offshore production and drilling rigs, facilities and structures. We preferably deliver and install piping & equipment as the modules installed onto the steel frame skid. Those we fabricate and precomission at our workshops according design provided by the client. Optionally we send the team offshore before the installation surveying fir the necessary preparation, arrangement or design. We also provide hot tapping, heavy lift and special repairs or modifications for existing systems offshore with great success. In every case our focus is to minimize the time necessary to complete the task onboard providing the best quality and reliability.
In our disposal we have the assembly yard with landing pier access, over 11.000 m2, located in Northern Port Gdansk, which allows large-scale sections and offshore manufacturing and direct expedition by sea.
Inspection and NDT examination:
Within the control of welding work, we conduct measurements and tests while using the professional measuring equipment:
visual testing (VT),
penetrant testing (PT),
magnetic testing (MT),
ultrasonic testing (UT),
measurement of delta ferrite content in the weld deposit of the joints welded with magnetic method by means of ferritoscope Fischer MP-30 (results in % or in FN value),
measurement of the steel material hardness with dynamic method – with hardness testing machine Proceq EQUOTIP-2 (results in Vickers, Brinell or Rockwell scale),
pressure tests with registration of pressure and temperature parameters by means of accurate measuring instruments,
leakproofness tests (LT) of the joints welded with vacuum bubble method.
Our QA/QC and NDT personnel has the authorization and competence certificates of UDT-CERT according to the standard PN-EN 473.
Piping, beside tanks, is our main specialty. We are prepared to offer the full scope of prefabrication and erection piping works within the whole range of materials and diameters in accordance with PED and ASME standards and confirmation with pressure vessel passport issued by Notified Body or Classification Society.