Institute of Meteorology and Water Management
IMGW-PIB general tasks are:
Carrying out scientific-research works in the fields connected with the Institute\'s mandate.
Making regular measurements and observations with the use of basic systems and measurement networks.
Acquisition, archiving, processing and making available measurement and observational materials, both national and international ones.
Preparation and dissemination of forecasts and warnings for general public and national economy protection as well as for state defence.
Forecasting of water resources quality and air pollution.
Elaboration of dams technical state and safety estimates.
Issue of opinions and expertises in domains being the responsibility of the Institute.
construction, research, manufacturing, checking and legalisation of instruments and equipment.
Standardisation and unification activities falling within the responsibility of the Institute.
Participation in the activities of the World Meteorological Organization and other specialised UN agencies, co-operation with other organizations, national and international institutions.
Technical Infrastructure
The State Hydrological and Meteorological Service (PSHM) carried out by the IMGW-PIB provides continuously the state authorities, general public and national economy with current information on the state of the atmosphere and hydrosphere, forecasts and warnings both in normal as well as in emergency situations.
The system of the Polish Hydrological and Meteorological Service includes three sub-systems as follows:
The subsystem covers:
Surface observation-measurement hydrological, meteorological and specialised networks including over 2000 gauge posts
4 weather radar stations
3 aerological stations
Lightning detection and location system (9 detection stations)
Satellite data receiving stations
Baltica research vessel
Teleinformation and communication
The subsystem is composed of:
Wide WAN computer network integrating local LAN networks in the Headquarters and IMGW Regional Branches, The network is linked to the Global Telecommunication System of the World Meteorological Organization and to internet
Telephone exchange system located on IMGW-PIB WAN network
Digital and phonical system of radiotelephone communication for data acquisition from automated measurements posts and stations both hydrological and meteorological ones
Data processing, forecasting and warning
The subsystem is composed of:
Central and 7 regional meteorological, hydrological forecasting and warning centres,
Operational and historical database system,
Numerical, statistical and conceptual forecasting meteorological models system,
Data and warnings dissemination system for governmental, provincial decision-making bodies and other users (SOK - Customer Service System)
IMGW-PIB activities in meteorology cover:
Provision of meteorological products to public sector services and business sector.
Regular meteorological measurements and observations carrying out.
acquisition, archiving, processing and making available measurement and observational materials, both national as well as international ones.
Development and exploitation of meteorological mathematical models.
Scientific-development works in meteorology.
IMGW-PIB activities in hydrology cover:
Regular hydrological measurements and observations.
Acquisition, archiving, processing and making available hydrological measurement and observational materials.
Development and exploitation of hydrological mathematical models.
Scientific-development works conducted in hydrology
Specialized Centre for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information (BOINTE) covers:
The collection of the Central Library contains over 95.000 volumes, including over 31.000 books and about 53.000 periodicals.
Under information activity current bibliographic services of submitted research themes are provided in addressed information system. Lists of documentation materials are worked out and also information on future conferences, seminars and symposia is prepared and disseminated.
Library collections can be used as follows:
on site in the reading room Monday-Friday at 0900-1400
through a loan against a lending form (also interlibrary loan service exists)
Detailed information is available at the phone no. (48, 22) 56-94-514.
The collection of the IMGW PIB Maritime Branch in Gdynia contains about 9.000 volumes including over 6.000 books and yearly publications and about 3.000 periodicals.
Regional scientific information service is provided.
Library collections can be used as follows:
on site in the reading room, Monday-Friday at 08:00-15:00,
through a loan against library lending form (also interlibrary loan system exists),
Detailed information is available at the phone no. (48, 58) 62-88-235,
The collection of IMGW-PIB Poznań branch includes about 16000 items (books and periodicals) covering hydrology, meteorology, climatology, environment protection, geology, geography and other auxiliary materials.
The library is open from Monday to Friday at 0800-1400. You can use the collections on site or loan them against a library lending form.
Detailed information is available at phone no. (48, 61) 84-95-104.
Wrocław Branch maintains in its collections 35 periodicals and 6400 books.
They maintain sets of research themes prepared by the staff as well as provide information services. One can use library collections as follows:
on site in the reading room, Monday-Friday at 08:00-15:00,
through a loan against a lending form (also interlibrary loan system is practised).
Phone no. (48, 71) 32-00-109 e-mail: Biblioteka.Wroclaw@imgw.pl
Periodicals (journals), serials and other publications are edited including conference announcements and proceedings, information and occasional materials.
Bimonthly Gazeta Obserwatora IMGW (Journal of IMGW Observer). Popular scientific journal including articles in hydrology and meteorology, physics and related sciences, publications\' review and news on the Institute\'s activity. This journal is mainly addressed to the regional staff of the hydrological and meteorological services.
Quarterly Wiadomości IMGW (Reports of IMGW). Scientific and information journal containing articles and scientific announcements, notification of results of scientific-research works carried out in the Institute, reviews and bibliographic papers, scientific chronicle as well as provision of current information.
Permanent non-periodical publications entitled Materiały badawcze (Research materials). published in four series: Meteorology, Water management and protection, Water engineering, Hydrology and oceanology. Particular issues of Materiały Badawcze contain monographic articles with the summary of the finished subject, realised by the scientists of the IMGW. Such publications aim at broadly informing on research results.
Instructions and manuals (guide books). In this serial instructions are published concerning meteorological and hydrological observations and method of elaboration and transmission of their results as well as manuals to help widen and arrange knowledge in meteorology, climatology, hydrology and oceanology.
Atlases and monographs. This series covers various atlases like climatological, meteorological and hydrological ones as well as scientific monographic papers.
Non-periodical publications contain, among others, conference announcements and proceedings, commencement and occasional materials.
Publications store-room
tel. (48, 22) 56-94-516
e-mail: elzbieta.mikulska@imgw.pl