the discussion on the government's information on the potential and
development of offshore wind energy in Poland, Deputy Infrastructure
Minister Marek Gróbarczyk informed that so far 11 location permits
for offshore wind farms have been issued for the so-called old
"As for the new locations, in January,
February and March 2022, the Minister of Infrastructure published a
total of 11 announcements about the possibility of submitting new
applications, which correspond to 11 areas. To date, a total of 125
applications have been received and are being evaluated and
verified", The deputy minister said.
As Gróbarczyk
added, the last deadline for submitting applications is May 16. The
whole process of assigning further locations and concessions should
be completed by the end of 2022 - he pointed out.
the information, the government's plenipotentiary for renewable
energy sources, Deputy Climate Minister Ireneusz Zyska stressed that
offshore wind energy is an innovative sector that "will allow
the development of new technologies and will contribute to the
creation of many thousands of well-paid jobs". "Poland has
great potential to be a leader in this market in Central and Eastern
Europe" - he added.
Zyska reminded that the first
offshore wind farm projects are at the final stage of final
environmental decisions and construction permits, and the first
energy generation will take place in 2026. By 2030 energy should be
generated by farms with a capacity of 5.9 GW - he added.
government's plenipotentiary for renewable energy sources also
reminded that according to the current assumptions of Poland's Energy
Policy in 2040, farms with a capacity of 11 GW should be operating in
the Polish Baltic Sea area, but, as he pointed out, the potential of
the domestic Baltic Sea area is much greater. "As part of the
PEP update, we will verify the share of RES, including offshore, and
offshore wind farms are likely to get a higher priority" - he
"Poland has the best conditions in the Baltic
Sea, with relatively shallow waters and substrate and excellent wind
conditions. Practically 90 percent of the time there are perfect
conditions to ensure turbine operation" - Zyska said.
the deputy climate minister added, the government will strive to
ensure the best possible conditions for the development of offshore
projects and the entire sector.
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