The Kołobrzeg Seaport Authority announced that in the third quarter of 2023, over 73,000 tons of cargo were transhipped at the port, which is approximately 1/3 more than in the same period last year.
A large increase in transshipment
occurred in grain. It accounts for over 50% of reloading carried out
in the third quarter of this year. Grain returned to Kołobrzeg after
an almost 3-month break related to the limitation of transshipments
of Ukrainian agricultural crops to several selected Polish ports. The
port in Kołobrzeg was then omitted. After the Ukrainian grain
returned to the port, corn grains as well as malting barley were
transhipped there.
Other cargo transhipped in the
Kołobrzeg port in the third quarter included: wooden logs,
aggregate, limestone, pellets and fertilizers. A total of 30 cargo
ships were handled during these three months, which is 11 more than
in the third quarter of 2022.