Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia SA
1. Ports, shipbuilding & shiprepairing industry
2. Offshore
Besides our traditional activity described above, we also offer manufacture of the following steel products fot the ports, shipbuilding and shiprepair industry:
stern & bow ramps
hatch covers
various doors and covers
hoistable car decks
ship's hull blocks
shore ramps
steel structure of cranes and gates
3. We are active in industrial erections, repairs and modernisations of:
power plants
power and heat generating stations
pulp and paper mills
chemical and petrochemical plants
breweries, sugar and food processing factories
UDT - UDT-CERT Certification Body for QM-Systems, Poland
BV - Bureau Veritas, France
DnV - Det norske Veritas, Norway
ABS - American Bureau of Shipping, USA
GL - Germanischer Lloyd, Germany
LR - Lloyd's Register of Shiping, UK
PRS - Polish Register of Shipping, Poland
UDT - Polish Office of Technical Inspection, Poland
TUV - Technisches Uberwachungsverien, Niemcy
SLV - Schweisstechnische Lehr und Versuchanstalt Mannheim GmbH, Niemcy