ENAMOR Sp. z o. o.
• Production of ship performance systems: EMIS (Motion and Inclination Sensor), ETNP-10 (Ship Efficiency Optimisation System), EFCM (Fuel Consumption Monitor), EPM (Electric Power Monitor), ESOS 2.0 (Ship Efficiency Optimisation System), E-Torque Meter, EVT (Vessel Tracker Online Application)
• Production of Bridge Navigation Watch Alarm System – BNWAS - EWAS 3.1
• Production of NMEA converters that enable the communication between marine navigation devices operation in NMEA 0183 standard. Available products: RNMEA2i divider (2 ports), RNMEA8i divider (8 ports), SNMEA6 configurable multiplexer, AD2NMEA 2x analog + 2x digital converter to NMEA, NMEA2ETH NMEA to Ethernet Converter, EMDD multi-function display.
• Production of EDM - Dredging Production Control System
• set ups and repairs of radio-communication, navigation, automation, electrical, electronic, security, satellite and cable communication’s equipment
• annual inspections of GMDSS devices
• calibration and validation of automation components, generators and short-circuit breakers and logs
• Inspection of measuring and control instruments, including oxygen and explosive gases
• magnetic compasses’ compensation
• log calibration