We offer: all kinds of dredging works and reclamation, beach nourishment construction of breakwaters, river bank reinforcement, trenching/ backfilling for gas pipelines of large diameters, laying pipes on sea bottom incl. sewage treatment projects.
Marine construction works in harbours
Construction and repair of quay walls
Breakwaters construction
Demolition, concrete and reinforced concrete works
Civil construction, earth moving and installation works
Capital dredging in port basins
Maintenance dredging in harbours and waterways
Dredging accompanying marine construction such as berths, breakwaters, jetties etc.
Land creation for industrial development
Coastal protection, beach nourishment and reconstruction
Trenching/ backfilling for gas pipelines of large diameters, laying pipes on sea bottom, laying underwater cables
Prefabrication and installation of sea outfall of sewage plants, including trenching and backfilling
Dredging on rivers, construction of embankments and flood protection
Diving/underwater works
Charter hire of the dredging equipment
Supply of high quality marine gravel from the Baltic Sea bed
Freeing of grounded vessels
Demolition of ships and steel scrap export