25 October, four contracts for the charter of crew transport vessels
for the Bałtyk OWF projects were signed. Each of the project is
developed by special purpose vehicle – Bałtyk II and Bałtyk III
accordingly. Each company has concluded two contracts for CTV's
charter - one with Northern Offshore Services from Denmark and the
other with Njord Offshore from Great Britain.
part of the contracts, the shipowners will charter a total of four
crew transport vessels (CTV) to the companies, supporting the process
of building offshore wind farms and transformer stations at sea and
providing servicing in the initial period of project operation,
including the technological start-up phase (two vessels for each
The expected date of launching the ship charter is
the second quarter of 2026 for the Bałtyk II OWF project and the
third quarter of 2027 for the Bałtyk III OWF project,
The remuneration for the ship charter has been
specified in the contracts as a fixed daily rate taking into account
indexation. MFW Bałtyk II estimates the cost of chartering over a
three-year period at around EUR 13.5 million, and MFW Bałtyk III at
around EUR 13.8 million (if it exercises the option). In addition, in
the event of an extension of the contracts for another three years,
the additional remuneration for shipowners is estimated at around EUR
30 million in total for both projects.
The Polenergia and
Equinor consortium is developing three wind farms in the Baltic Sea
with a total capacity of up to 3,000 MW. The Bałtyk 1, 2 and 3
projects will supply over 4 million households with green energy. The
first energy from the two most advanced projects, Bałtyk 2 and
Bałtyk 3, will flow in 2027. The commercial phase of their use is
planned from 2028.
Photo: Depositphotos