Conference entitled “Baltic, Breathe! - let us discuss the Polish offshore market'' will be held on 11 March 2022 at Sheraton Hotel in Sopot.
The event will be dedicated to the offshore topic in a broad sense and will include issues from local content to the problems regarding clearance of the bottom of the Baltic Sea of chemical and conventional weapons. The conference organizer has planned three subject areas in the form of an open debate with the invited guests. Together, we will discuss in detail e.g., the risks related to the remains found on the seabed after World War II and their impact on the environment, the direction of wind farm development, local content and the secured participation of Polish companies in the Polish offshore industry. Furthermore, we will broadly discuss the issues related to legislation and environmental objectives as regards maritime industry and wind farm development.
It should be noted that this conference will be the first such meeting, opening the way for the exchange of information and experience between the best experts in various fields within offshore industry.
Register here.
Photo: Depositphotos