On February 28, Gdańsk will announce the seven winners of the Busole 2021 grant competition. Organizations operating in the neighboring districts of DCT were invited to participate. There are 250,000 PLN to be given away in the first edition of the competition.
The aim of the program is to select and finance projects that meet social needs.
- We invited organizations functioning in districts adjacent to DCT – Stogi, Przeróbka, Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie – to present their ideas. DCT wants to financially support projects proposed by non-profit organizations, schools, kindergartens, foundations, and organizations dealing with broadly understood health protection and promotion of sports. We care about the support of our neighbors - explains Magdalena Jagła from the DCT marketing department who coordinates the competition.
A game worth the candle. 250 thousand for DCT's neighbours
Applications have been submitted from December 1 to the end of January 2022. As the DCT informed us, 18 of them entered the first edition of the Busole 2021 competition.
It's worth fighting for, because DCT Gdańsk allocated a total of 250 000 PLN for the competition.
- One of our requirements is a value of up to 36,000 PLN as the cost of each submitted project. On February 28, we will announce seven winners - informs Magdalena Jagła.
In line with the
competition, the organizers want to donate money for actions
activating the local community and responding to their needs, e.g.
related to the environment, education, local history, or preventing
the exclusion of certain social groups.
Who evaluates the submitted projects?
As it turns out, the jury consists of independent jurors. Apart from the representative of DCT, Marzena Grzonkowska-Przyklęk - HR Director of DCT, are also assessed by: dr hab. Sylwia Mrozowska - Director of the Center for Sustainable Development of the University of Gdańsk, and Piotr Bura - Marketing and Communication Director of the Port of Gdańsk.
Let us add that the start and end dates for the implementation of projects should be within the period from March 1 to December 1, 2022.
Why does DCT Gdańsk want to support its neighbors? In an interview with GospodarkaMorska.pl, DCT CEO Charles Baker said that the terminal is a responsible corporate citizen interested in the development of the area, because many of its employees live there.
- In 2021, DCT implemented 20 different social projects with 15 different partners. We support the education and physical activity of children and adolescents, and we help seniors. We cooperate and support the police, fire brigades, teachers, universities, science, sports clubs, foundations and hospices - says Charles Baker.
- DCT Gdańsk, together with the Port of Gdańsk, also organized a meeting on September 30 with the councilors of the districts of Stogi, Przeróbka and Krakowiec-Górki Zachodnie. We initiated this meeting to talk about the planned development of DCT through the construction of Baltic Hub 3 and to talk to our neighbors - the inhabitants of Gdańsk about their needs and expectations related to the development of port areas. We want it to be a standard form of contact with local communities - he sums up.