Regarding geophysical and hydrographic research, last year was a record-breaker for MEWO S.A. They collected bathymetric, sonar, and magnetometer data on almost 45 thousand kilometers of profiles in 2022. It resulted in an examination of more than 3300 square kilometers of the seabed (equivalent to six times the area of Warsaw, the capital city of Poland).
Exploring the unexplored
The company highlights the task commissioned by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection as one of its most strategically significant projects of 2002. This task was executed in a joint venture with Gdynia Maritime University.
– The primary objective of this project was to identify habitats, i.e. places where life can grow – explains Paweł Gajewski, the CEO of MEWO S.A. – Such a process requires a precise image of the bottom, so we conducted sonar and bathymetric surveys. The Maritime University then used the survey data to designate areas where ROVs (remotely operated vehicles, Ed.) could be deployed in order for biologists to determine whether marine fauna was indeed present, he adds.
The scope of last year's surveys naturally dictated certain operational dispositions. The company mobilized an array of ships in 2022.
– At one point, we engaged six vessels simultaneously to conduct geophysical research. It was partly because of this that we reached the figures we did – points out Paweł Gajewski.

Image: LinkedIn/MEWO S.A.
In 2022, MEWO chartered a specialized offshore vessel for long-term service. A multi-purpose research vessel over 60 meters in length with a capacity of 1,310 BRT will be used to provide geotechnical and geophysical research and ROV services for the Offshore Wind Farms being built in the Polish EEZ. It is noteworthy that this is the first SOLAS convention ship of this type entered into the Polish Register of Shipping since 1989.
Read more >> here.
Photo: LinkedIn/MEWO S.A.
Indiana Jones on board
A dedicated team of more than 100 offshore surveying and engineering professionals worked day after day throughout the year to achieve success. The MEWO research team is one of the largest in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. Gajewski emphasizes that a successful surveyor needs a natural urge to discover, like Indiana Jones.
– Surveying requires a specific temperament. The research vessel travels at an average speed of 4 knots, and space on board is very limited. Without a team-oriented approach and a true passion for exploration, surviving in such conditions is a challenge – explains the CEO. – Last year, we conducted research on wind farm environmental conditions for our clients. However, the majority of the 45,000 kilometers we traveled was in areas that had never been studied before – he adds.
Collecting data in pristine areas can reveal many interesting geological formations and artifacts.
– We discovered dozens of previously unknown wrecks past year alone. Each of them has already been reported to the appropriate institutions – Gajewski reveals.
Original software
In order for precise maps to be generated using the data collected by surveyors, the data needs to be analyzed, checked, and possibly corrected before being interpreted. The company's headquarters in Straszyn employs over a dozen people to handle this task. It was therefore crucial for MEWO to implement a remote monitoring system for measuring data quality. Using their original Survey Monitor app, they can monitor vessel movements in real time.
– Our ships are equipped with special software that downloads information from the measurement system and sends it via satellite or mobile internet to our headquarters. With this technology, we are able to generate many reports and monitor the quality of data in real-time, which allows us to react more quickly – explains the CEO
The system can also be extended with various additional features.
– In the Baltic Sea, we have meteorological buoys that measure the physical parameters of the water. By taking into account these data, we are able to get a very interesting picture of the conditions in the Baltic Sea. Whenever we want, we can log in and see what is happening at given points - how the wind is, what the waves are, etc. - notes Paweł Gajewski.
MEWO will soon make the software available to its customers, so they can monitor the company's research on their own.
A decade's worth of perspective
The company will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2023. Gajewski says the company's direction at this stage is clearly defined.– In terms of scale and quantity, we have achieved most of what we set out to do. Our expectation is that this area will not see significant expansion. The focus of our services in the next few years will be on quality and specialization. It is our goal that the MEWO brand is regarded as a guarantee of the highest level of measurement - whether in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, the Mediterranean, or any other body of water – says the CEO. Geophysics, geotechnics, and physicochemical environmental research are at the core of what we do. Additionally, we perform ROV inspections every year, mainly to identify objects on the bottom. However, we will also have to study underwater infrastructure soon, which is why we are heading in this direction. Continuing training is crucial to maintaining our leadership position in Poland, he adds.
About MEWO
MEWO S.A is a modern company operating on the European offshore market. It is the largest independent company in Poland providing services in the field of environmental, geophysical, and geotechnical tests and measurements. Research and development work as well as renting equipment and research and measurement services are available in this field. MEWO S.A. provides services and solutions for the offshore energy sectors in the Baltic Sea, Mediterranean Sea and the southern part of the North Sea. These include oil and gas, renewable energy sources, submarine telecommunications and marine research.
In 2022, MEWO managed to obtain a decision on environmental conditions for a wind farm in the Polish EEZ and two decisions for two more wind farm connections. They are currently working on two more applications for a decision on environmental conditions for wind farms and for one connection. They also started work on the decision on environmental conditions for the critical energy infrastructure project in the Baltic Sea.