On Friday, February 24, in the morning, a section of a fishing vessel was loaded at the Kaszubskie Quay in Gdańsk.
The amidship section of the fishing vessel weighs 184 tonnes in total. It was made by Baltic Operator. At the Kaszubskie Quay in Gdańsk, the section was loaded onto the Ostrów ferry, after which the cargo set off on a journey to the nearby Karstensen shipyard, which is the ordering party.
Interestingly, the section has already been transported to the new premises of the Karstensen shipyard in Gdańsk. Last year, Karstensen bought part of the land at ul. Jana z Kolna, where by June 2023 it is to transfer all production from the previously occupied areas in Gdynia.
Baltic Operator is part of the Baltic Industrial Group, established by the Industrial Development Agency. The company was established in 2018 and specializes in the construction of steel structures for the shipbuilding industry, wind energy, offshore (oil & gas) and transhipment infrastructure, closely cooperating and using the experience of Stocznia Gdańsk S.A. and Stocznia Gdańska Sp. z o. o. Baltic Operator is also part of the holding company.
Karstensen Shipyard Poland is a subsidiary of the Danish shipyard Karstensens Skibsværft A/S. In recent years, the shipyard has been building ships - mainly modern fishing vessels, both fully equipped and hulls only - in a modern production plant acquired from Vistal Offshore in Gdynia, at the Indian Quay. Vessels produced by Karstensen Shipyard Poland enjoy good opinions and work in fisheries around the globe.