We welcome you on pages of the portal of GospodarkaMorska.pl.

The most important sections of GospodarskaMorska.pl portal consist of:
Catalogue of sea companies divided in logical and practical categories subcategories. The access to the base of sea companies is available on the level of key words and / or geographical criteria. Data base is permanently updated and widened by commercial section of the portal.
Section of the sea press articles and maritime events in which one can find the newest, the freshest sea press articles, maritime news, events, information, exhibitions, sea conferences and their sea archives. The section of press articles and the news is updated every day and supplied with the most interesting articles from a daily press, internet portals and other media in Poland and in the world.
Exchange of maritime announcements, maritime announcements allowing possibility of free publishing, adding announcements by every registered user of the portal.
- User's panel allowing individual editing of the user’s data, adding and editing the announcements, editing the presentations purchased in catalogue of the companies and supply the data of the company to the data base of the portal.
Portal functions in English and German languages under www.marinepoland.com both as well as the name of portal as the main domain of the portal. The 21st century completely changes the previous realities of the most maritime economy sectors. The progressive globalization and informatization give to the Polish maritime companies unlimited possibilities of development, making contacts, possibilities of making business in every place and from every place in the world, cooperation with many partners in various parts of the globe. It remains the question if Polish maritime companies can manage the huge international competition and if they would be able to make use of their advantages: many years of experience, improving local support and the group of excellent experts in maritime economy. We share enthusiasm of these people who work hard, who spread their wings and who are not afraid of modernity, innovations, who have reasons to believe in their lucky stars. We hope that together with GospodarkaMorska.pl portal you will conquest the seas of world maritime business.