The Baltic
Container Terminal, operating at the Port of Gdynia, announced this
year's handling results.
In December 2021, 47 631 TEU was
handled at BCT, which means that it was the best December ever for
the terminal. At the same time, the annual record was also broken.
After 365 days of 2021, the Baltic Container Terminal has 573,784 TEU
on its account.
Handling numbers at BCT are systematically
growing, and the terminal itself is enriched with new possibilities.
Just a few days ago, the largest ship in the history of the Port of
Gdynia - Cape Akritas, with a capacity of 11,037 TEU, 330 meters long
and 48 meters wide - arrived at the terminal. In turn, at the end of
September, another record-breaking vessel, MSC Ellen, was hosted at
the terminal, which, thanks to its length of 347 meters, equaled the
record of the largest vessel that appeared at the Gdynia port.
also takes care of the development of reloading from the land side.
There is a special INCOS system operating in the terminal, which
improves the service of intermodal trains.
The coming months
may be groundbreaking for BCT. In November, the Port of Gdynia
received offers in a tender for a new operator of the areas that are
currently occupied, among others, by by BCT. One of the bidders is
the current terminal operator, International Container Terminal
Services Inc, and the other is Gdynia Container Terminal Sp. z o.o.,
which currently operates the second of the container terminals in
Gdynia - GCT. The areas included in the tender are not only the
territory of the current terminal. The tender concerns the lease of
land with an area of 66 thousand square meters, which is almost
1/3 more than the BCT currently occupies. Ultimately, it will
continue to house a container reloading terminal, as well as elements
of offshore wind farms. It is part of the temporary installation
port. The Port of Gdynia Authority announced that the final offer
should be selected by the end of January 2022. However, port
representatives made a reservation that this date may change
depending on the content of the offers and the course of