The Kołobrzeg Seaport Authority has summarized
transshipment in the Commercial Port in the first half of 2024.
Compared to the same period last year, there was an increase of
almost 30 percent.
The first half of this year in terms of
transshipment volume was closed in Kołobrzeg with a total of over
126 thousand tons. This is a much better result than the one from the
end of June 2023, when 97.4 thousand tons was transshipped. Also,
more ships entered the port during this time: 53, compared to last
year's 42.
This year, significantly more aggregate arrived at
the port in Kołobrzeg - almost 42.5 thousand tons (a year ago - 19.1
thousand tons). More wooden logs were also transshipped, the result
from 2024 is almost 27.7 thousand tons (last year – 20.7 thousand
tons). In turn, a year ago, pellets reached 11.2 thousand tons, while
in the first half of this year there was less of it - 8.1 thousand
tons. Among the grains, which mainly ended up on ships sailing to
Rotterdam and further to African countries, just like a year ago,
Ukrainian corn took first place. By the end of June, over 26 thousand
tons of it had been transhipped, compared to last year's result of
almost 39 thousand tons. Here, the worse result was influenced by
problems on the Polish-Ukrainian border, which occurred during the
farmers' protests. In second place was wheat - 6.8 thousand tons
(during the whole of last year, 21.5 thousand tons of it was
transhipped), followed by rapeseed cake - over 2.4 thousand tons
(this cargo came from Norway, a direction not previously associated
in Kołobrzeg with agro-related goods) and Polish barley – almost 2
thousand tons.
The Kołobrzeg port, as the only one on the
central coast, has a certified railway siding 621 m long, which the
Seaport Authority managed to save from dismantling, despite the
voices that appeared years ago that it was unnecessary in a city
focused almost exclusively on spa and tourist activities. Thanks to
it and the investments made earlier, right after the outbreak of the
war beyond the eastern border, due to the blockade of the Black Sea
ports, the port in Kołobrzeg declared its full readiness to
participate in the transit of Ukrainian grain through Poland.
Kołobrzeg then joined the four largest Polish state ports, through
which grain from Ukraine flowed towards Africa. Despite last year's
decision by the then government, due to which shipments from Ukraine
could not reach the city for three months, the port recorded record
transshipments in 2023, including grain.