The Educational Career Fair Edu Offshore Wind 2023 is the first event of its kind in Poland, where more than 5,000 secondary school students (in organised groups) facing a choice of career path will be able to meet more than 75 exhibitors from leading companies and organisations in the offshore wind energy sector and beyond, both Polish and from abroad.
Poland's burgeoning offshore energy industry will soon need educated human resources who will not only power the construction of investments, but also support their implementation at the level of offices, universities and other institutions. During the fair, a comprehensive offshore career offer will be presented including definitions of many professions, necessary qualifications and information on where to obtain them. Young people will experience the scale and momentum of the planned projects through the exhibits and demonstrations on display.
The education career fair initiative recognized
The Edu Offshore Wind fair is an excellent opportunity to promote the education and workforce development activities identified in the offshore wind supply chain plans.
The Ministry for Climate and Environment as well as the Energy Regulatory Office appreciated the initiative and have assumed honorary patronage of the fair. The Polish Space Agency is also among the patrons - yes, space technologies are applicable to the offshore wind industry! Also the embassies of countries such as Denmark, France, the Netherlands and the Consulate General of Germany in Gdansk, where wind energy is an important source of power generation, have taken patronage of Edu Offshore Wind.
Educational programme prepares students for the final event
Young people from secondary schools in the Pomeranian Voivodeship actively participated in the educational programme. Live lessons and workshops have already taken place in most of the towns in Pomerania that have indicated their willingness to host educators in their facilities, including: Chojnice, Kwidzyn, Wejherowo, Rumia, Malbork, Skórcz, Puck, Nowy Dwór Gdański, Lębork and, of course, a dozen schools in the Tricity. Parallel with the meetings at the schools, online lessons are held, published on the YouTube channel. The topics covered in the lessons range from general knowledge about SHPPs through details such as construction of turbines, foundations, transformer stations, cables and offshore wind farms to servicing and operation.
The educational programme also includes competitions with attractive prizes, to be awarded during the Edu Offshore Wind.
Exhibitors - huge interest from offshore wind experts
Exhibitors included offshore wind farms developers, investors, leading representatives from the marine and shipbuilding industry, GWO training centres, research and environmental institutions, universities, industry-related organisations and many institutions supporting both the education and the energy sector. Each entity found its own space to present its achievements in the offshore, its education or training offer, to take part in a panel or debate as an expert or to lead a workshop for students.
Visitors - registration is open!
The main group of visitors will be organised school groups from all over the voivodeship. By 1 March this year, more than 5,000 pupils with their leaders have already confirmed their arrival. The school groups have been divided into 2 rounds each day. Due to the very extensive programme, each group of young people will have its own volunteer guide, who will lead the young people along a designated path so as not to miss any area of the fair. The young guides are specially trained before the event. Volunteers were recruited by, among others, the Regional Volunteer Centre in Gdansk.
University students are also invited to Edu Offshore Wind, to take advantage of the opportunity to have direct contact with future employers in a friendly atmosphere.
All visitors are required to register online.
Edu Offshore Wind programme - for pupils and their parents, university students and experts
The fair will include many interactive and interdisciplinary attractions as well as interesting debates and panels. In addition to face-to-face meetings with experts from the offshore wind energy sector at the stands, visitors can expect two stages, themed islands, demonstrations, panels and debates. One of the demonstrations will show how to join different metals (soldering demonstration).
At the GWO training centre island, visitors will learn about the principles of high-altitude rescue or First Aid in extreme conditions, among others. They will also see a mobile training centre for working at height! An interesting programme promises to be held on the university island, which will remain partly a surprise for pupils and students. The educational value will also be provided by exhibits such as VR stations, VR simulators, wind tunnels and VR goggles, which will allow you to walk around the turbine. It will be possible to creatively paint parts of the windmill wings - offshore graffiti! This will be accompanied by workshops on soft skills e.g. effective job interviewing and much more.
For professionals, there is a programme of panel discussions and debates on education, personnel preparation, the role of universities or the necessary professions in terms of creating local content in Poland - on the main stage.
For parents, on 14 March at 3.15 p.m., there will be a panel on how to support a child in choosing a career path.
The fair cannot take place without the chillout zones and food trucks outside the hall.
The AmberExpo hall will be bustling with activity until the end of each fair day. The organisers would like to thank all Partners and Exhibitors for jointly creating the programme of the 1st Education Career Fair Edu Offshore Wind.
The main partners of the event are: Local Government of the Pomeranian Voivodeship and the City of Gdansk.
The initiators of the event are: Pomeranian Platform for Offshore Wind Energy Development in the Baltic Sea (Pol. Pomorska Platforma Rozwoju Morskiej Energetyki Wiatrowej na Bałtyku) and the Pomeranian Centre for Offshore Wind Competence in Rumia (Pol. Pomorskie Centrum Kompetencji Morskiej Energetyki Odnawialnej w Rumi).
The event is organised by: Gdańsk International Fair S.A. (Pol. Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie S.A.), Rumia Invest Park Sp. z o.o., Co-Made Sp. z o.o, and the Foundation for the Innovative Marine Energy Industry (Pol. Fundacja Innowacyjnego Przemysłu Energetyki Morskiej).
Admission to the event is free of charge for pupils in organised groups, parents, university students and media representatives. Online registration is required.
The fair takes place on 14 - 15 March 2023 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
AmberExpo Exhibition and Congress Centre, 11 Żaglowa St., 80-506 Gdańsk.
For more information and a detailed programme, to be made available successively, please visit the event website or social media: LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram.
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